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March 2024 Meeting

A very well attended March club meeting saw a good selection of lovely work for Show and Tell. Some of the quilts and other items can be seen below.

There is a new Newsletter available to read - please follow the link on the Newsletter tab.

Next month's meeting will be focused on Gizmos and Gadgets - what doesn't work as well as what does. Hopefully we will all have some advice on what to spend our money on and when to avoid wasting it on items which don't work or are of limited use!

Lesley's "Hares" quilt
Kirsty's Fabric book
"Circles" designed by Lily's Quilts and beautifully made by Kirsty.
Sue P's striking Log Cabin quilt - Hippy, Happy, -Yurt Quilt
A selection of Premmie and Linus quilts made by Tina and Julie
Patchwork clocks made on a course by Mary

Following Show and Tell, we had a very interesting, engaging and energetic talk by Christine Green, accompanied by slides. She explained how she reuses and recycles fabric, such as old curtains, oddments and even jeans into some striking and original quilts. She also told us about Gee's Bend Quilts, USA, a whole other talk on its own. She doesn't use a quarter inch seam or allow any rules to restrict her creativity. Below are some photos of Christine with a few of her many creations:

Look out for this quilt at the Malverns!