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Doors open 9.30am till 3.30pm

St George's Hall, 206 Andover Road, Wash Common, Newbury RG14 6NU

Speakers are Kate Findlay - "Working in Series" and Catherine Lawes - "From Here to There and back again"

Traders - Purple Stitches and Quilters' Dream

Light lunch provided.  Cost £12 members and £15 visitors.

Bookings: Geraldine Priest 01635 253271  or [email protected]

No newsletter this month.  Some dates for your diary:

Thursday 12th January sewing at St Mary's Church, Greenham.  10am - 3pm.

Next week sewing at Pat's will be Friday 20th not Wednesday.  Please phone her if attending.

Wednesday 25th January Club meeting at St Francis Church Hall.  Letter E for Show and Tell.  There will be a talk on longarm quilting by Quantum Quilting.  Bring any work to book in or to ask about having machine quilted.

Sunday 15th January Farnham Maltings Quilt Show and Sale from 10am - 4pm.  For further details see