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A very well attended March club meeting saw a good selection of lovely work for Show and Tell. Some of the quilts and other items can be seen below.

There is a new Newsletter available to read - please follow the link on the Newsletter tab.

Next month's meeting will be focused on Gizmos and Gadgets - what doesn't work as well as what does. Hopefully we will all have some advice on what to spend our money on and when to avoid wasting it on items which don't work or are of limited use!

Lesley's "Hares" quilt
Kirsty's Fabric book
"Circles" designed by Lily's Quilts and beautifully made by Kirsty.
Sue P's striking Log Cabin quilt - Hippy, Happy, -Yurt Quilt
A selection of Premmie and Linus quilts made by Tina and Julie
Patchwork clocks made on a course by Mary

Following Show and Tell, we had a very interesting, engaging and energetic talk by Christine Green, accompanied by slides. She explained how she reuses and recycles fabric, such as old curtains, oddments and even jeans into some striking and original quilts. She also told us about Gee's Bend Quilts, USA, a whole other talk on its own. She doesn't use a quarter inch seam or allow any rules to restrict her creativity. Below are some photos of Christine with a few of her many creations:

Look out for this quilt at the Malverns!

On March 2nd, 16 members attended a one day workshop entitled "Free-Motion Stitching and Fusible Appliqué" given by Janet Clare. We learned how to write our names, draw faces, penguins and chairs before finally sewing a scene with trees, flowers and appliqué cottages. Janet gave us plenty of help and advice and by the end of the workshop we had all produced scenes, in addition to gaining a lot more confidence in free-motion sewing.

Brimpton Hall with everyone beavering away
A selection of scenes
More scenes and even a dinosaur
Jan's cottage complete with smoking chimney and giant bunnies!

Another well attended meeting, at which Caroline gave a very interesting talk, illustrated by pictures and slides, about hand quilting. She explained the history of quilting, the types of quilts typical of different places and techniques of sewing. There were also lots of lovely premmie quilts in Show and Tell:

There were also some Linus quilts donated by Penny and Heather

Sue has finished her "Zappy Dappy Do"
She also created this pineapple block quilt

Some more work shown at the meeting:

This must have been our best ever attended meeting, with 38 members and guests present. Cat launched the "Perfectly Pieced" Block of the Month programme, showing the completed 9 block quilt top which was designed to use up scraps, along with a "base" fabric to unify. The blocks are easy enough to be attempted by everyone, but the challenge is to get all the points correct, no mean feat.

There was also some lovely work in "Show and Tell"

This stunning quilt was a BOTM project from "Sew and Quilt", completed by Mary and longarm quilted by Midsomer Quilters
A sweet little premmie quilt, one of two by Barbara
Anthea's table runner
Jan H's very striking quilt with pops of blue
Rita's amazing "Mystery Quilt" by Yoko Saito.
Teresa's colourful bag
Sonia's denim bag
A square bag by Sue

December's meeting is traditionally a social event with a "pot luck" supper. The Christmas Challenge Sketchbooks were on display:

There were also Show and Tell items:

Mary's panel made at the Jenny Rayment workshop in October
Another panel, made by Catlyn
Sue L's bright quilt
Kirsty's colourwash quilt
Gail's "Seas the Day" quilt with a nautical theme
Heather's baby quilt
Pauline's blue and white batik fabric quilt with appliquéd gulls
Finally, a display of the Christmas angels from last month's workshop

At November's meeting we had an update on our presence at the Mencap sewing event in the Kennet Centre and welcomed two new members who had heard about us there. Publicity for the event was better this year but there were still some issues to resolve. The next event is due to take place in February but we have decided not to have a presence at this one. We managed to raise over £50 for Mencap.

Rita demonstrated how to make a Christmas Angel - photo below.

This month there were some beautiful items in Show and Tell.

A stunning hand sewn silk dressing gown made by Cathlyn's mother and never worn. It has been accepted by The Quilters' Guild
Two Teddy Bear Premmie quilts by Sue C
6 block premmie quilt by Jean
Janice's Panda premmie quilt
Two Laura Ashley premmie quilts by Jan H
Strip premmie by Jan H
Zappy Dappy Do quilt by Cat
Another Zappy Dappy Do quilt by Gill
MSQ's Coronation Quilt which Caroline has quilted
Gill's Planets quilt
Lesley's purple and green quilt
Lesley's quilted bag
Rita's Christmas Angel, which she taught us to make during the meeting.

Our AGM was held in October so we did not have a Show and Tell. 27 members attended. All the present members of the committee are continuing in post and Jane S is joining the committee, a very welcome addition.

In January, a new list of members and committee list will be issued, along with the programme for 2024. If you are interested in joining us, come to a meeting, or, for further details please email us on [email protected].

The remainder of the meeting was taken up by a talk entitled "The Sewing Room" given by Heather, a suitable spooky tale for Halloween.

A well attended meeting with lots to show and tell after last month's social.

Jenny Rayment Workshop - places are still available at the workshop with Jenny on Saturday 14th October from 10am at Woolhampton Village Hall. We will be guided to make a "Scrappy Zappy Do" quilt top. The cost is £30. If you would like to go, please contact us via the email address or contact Sue Cuff or Teresa Clark directly.

The Christmas Challenge was launched at the meeting. This year's challenge is to make covers for the ideas spiral bound hard backed notebooks which were given out at the meeting. Here are some ideas of what to do with the cover:

Some of those who had attended the make your own jacket workshop also showed their final efforts. Very stylish and well fitted.

Gail's Japanese style jacket
Jan's quilted and lined jacket
Tina doing a twirl in hers

Here is some of the work shown in Show and Tell

Marianne made this intricate quilt
A large quilt made by Tina
Linda made this quilt from 5 pairs of jeans
Disappearing Nine Patch quilt by Jan
A nautical inspired quilt by Jane
Two quilts made by Geraldine and Gail from a Masterclass at the NEC
Premmie quilt by Tina
Another Premmie quilt by Tina
Premmie quilt made by Tina
Cheerful cushion by Pauline

Here you can find details about some of the Textile Treasures in the Quilters' Guild suitcase which were shown at the meeting: Textile Treasures. You can see our photographs of a few of them below.

A small wallhanging from a kit made by Cat
Market Square Quilters Coronation Quilt top, a project led by Caroline. All ready to be quilted.

North County Strippy Quilt
1920s-1930s Maker unknown
Hexagons Patchwork 1840s maker unknown
At the back you can see the paper templates, one with date 1802

Hand Quilted Green North Country Cot Quilt
1920s-1930s Maker unknown
2 little premmie quilts by Sue
Table runner by Teresa made from a pattern she found on YouTube
Janice's Premmie quilt
Three lovely premmie quilts by Jan.

At our recent meeting, some lovely work was shown. There are more details about some of the items in our quarterly newsletter which can be found using the link above. There are also some useful links as well as information about future events.

A colourful 5x5x5 patch quilt by Mary W
A beautiful picture of Hampstead Marshall gates by Gayle W
A lovely art quilt by Sonia showing different techniques
Two cat quilts by Sarah
Many tiny pieces make up this impressive art quilt by Geraldine
Quilted jacket by Cat made for her sister
Impressive large quilt made from a kit entitled "William" showcasing William Morris Fabrics. Made by Sue and quilted by Meg at New Threads
One of the UFOs shown at the meeting, made by Sue
Janet Clare's apron pattern purchased at the last meeting, made by Cat for her granddaughter
A bright premmie quilt by Sue
Another premmie quilt made by Sue, made from fabrics from the group's suitcase