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June Meeting – Talk by Janet Clare

Our recent meeting was a little different from usual. After the business and the raffles, we were treated to a very interesting talk by Janet Clare, acclaimed quilter , designer and teacher, ably assisted by her husband Tony, her business partner.

The title of the talk - "She believed she could so she did" - illustrates Janet's approach which is summed up by "you can do anything if you put your mind to it". Wearing her signature Artisan Apron (a bestseller), Janet took us through the journey of her quilting business, from finding time to work whilst running a busy household through to writing books and designing fabric for Moda. Every aspect of the talk was illustrated by a beautiful quilt, photos of some of which can be seen below.

The accompanying stall gave us an opportunity to browse Janet's patterns, books and fabrics designed for Moda. The colour palette was in the blues/creams/grays spectrum, the colours with which she designs for Moda, other designers having their own colour ranges. Many of us took the chance to treat ourselves!

Thank you to Janet for a very enjoyable evening! We can now look forward to a workshop tutored by her next March.

Stall full of goodies and Janet's business partner Tony
Janet in her signature apron showing us her ideas book
Alphabet dress up doll quilt
Quilt showing the appliqué wildflowers, which were freebies from Janet if you signed up to her newsletter
A beautiful sampler quilt, illustrating Janet's Moda colour palette
Another beautiful quilt using the same palette

Some MSQ business: The newsletter will now be produced 4 times a year instead of the current 12. We now have photos of quilts from Show and Tell on the website so this will avoid repetition and lessen the burden on Caroline, who does such a splendid job producing our newsletter.

The NEC trip on August 4th is going ahead because we have paired up with Basingstoke Creative Stitchers to make it viable. Pick up with be in Chieveley.